July 28

Will EPOS for hospitality help businesses through volatile times?

The current economic and energy crisis that’s affecting the UK is inevitably putting most establishments in the hospitality industry under pressure and at risk of it having to cease operations.

While certain management tools can be used to make operations and management easier and more streamlined, especially during volatile times, leveraging the latest technology to facilitate rapid changes in customer preferences and demands in the event of an unstable economy is one of the ways to uplift your business.

Here’s how EPOS for hospitality can help navigate your establishment in the industry.

What makes a hospitality EPOS system stand out from the rest?

The main focus of an EPOS system that’s targeted to serve the hospitality industry focuses on maintaining accuracy and flexibility, and can help your staff efficiently maintain and manage every single transaction, no matter how complicated.

Due to the increase in the cost of living stemming from inflation and the current energy crisis in the UK, modern hospitality EPOS systems can reduce costs while maximising profits, which is a standout feature of the ideal EPOS for hospitality.

Whether you’re the owner or manager of a luxury boutique hotel or a small, start-up cafe, the ideal EPOS system will always be designed to serve and maximise the services that you provide.

Are there specific EPOS systems that can boost the performance of an establishment?

With advances in technology, there are now modern EPOS systems that can streamline your operations. The most common systems that are used in the hospitality industry are:

● Mobile EPOS systems; suitable for processing high volumes of transactions

● Tablet EPOS systems; suitable for quick transactions

● Traditional EPOS systems; suitable for businesses with a large workforce

Since the hospitality industry is under immense pressure due to the multiple economic and energy drawbacks and the struggles to maintain a positive profit margin, adopting an EPOS system curated to help strategise the growth and occupancy rate of your business would be helpful.

What’s the ideal EPOS system that can improve a business’s performance in the hospitality industry?

If you’re considering integrating an EPOS system into your establishment to help elevate your business, here’s what the ideal system should be.

1. Easy to use

The more user-friendly a system is, the better. Your employees should feel comfortable using the system from the get-go. This will ensure that your business operations don’t come to a halt.

2. Functional

Managing inventory, streamlining transaction processes, reporting, and accepting payment methods that are recognised globally are some of the features that the ideal EPOS system should possess.

3. Supportive

There might be instances where even the best POS system can face certain technical difficulties. Immediate technical support is essential for times like this to resolve the issue and minimise any operational setbacks.

Cloud-based EPOS systems give establishments in the hospitality industry the necessary technology to efficiently manage and conduct their daily operations while making profits during a period of uncertainty.

It doesn’t matter who your target market is, functioning in the hospitality industry requires streamlining certain aspects that can improve your operations, such as inventory and staff management, exceptional customer service, and profit growth.

EPOS for hospitality: Giving your establishment the right tools to function during these unprecedented times

Whether it’s to improve your establishment’s stance on menu engineering or streamline your operations to increase efficiency while cutting costs where possible, an EPOS system designed for the hospitality industry is crucial.

Make sure to get in touch with an EPOS system provider who can customise a system that betters your business and promotes growth in profits.